Questions to think about:
- What reactions and feelings do you have after watching the clip?
I felt very disgusted and sad at the same time after watching the clip. I pitied the those people in the clip, as it has showed me the ugly side of human in the city. People have a habit of not finishing their food, which is bad. It shows how wasteful people can get. While the other side of the world had people starving and would eat anything even left overs from restaurants like KFC, which was shown in the clip.
I think that some people are so poor because they were born in a poor family and those who are rich were born in a rich family. There are also other possible reasons that some people are rich and some are poor.
~Firstly, they came from a poor family however they could become rich as they studied and work hard for it. They had a got a good occupation which improved their family economy.
~Secondly, some people were from a rich family but they were so involved in gambling, such as casinos, stock marketing, investments etc.. Therefore they went overboard, thus they gambled their family fortune away and they became very poor.
~Thirdly, some people had great abilities to work. However, Lady Luck is not smiling on them while they tried to set-up their own family business. As each time they tried to set-up a business, they failed. So this may lead some people to become poor.
~Fourthly, some parents were quite sick so they were not able to get a stable job to work and support the family. Instead, sometimes the elder child of the family have to stop their studies to work to support the family
~Lastly, some families were not well educated so it is hard for them to find a stable job to support the entire family.
No, I think it is not fair. I think that if we could not eat that much of food like the examples shown in the clip, we could maybe ask for a smaller share of food. We could also make more donations of food for those financial aid families so it will be more equal for everyone.
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